Plate Automation with Plate On Demand

Fast and efficient delivery of print-ready plates - from the register punching and bending system to intelligent plate sorting with cart management, under the motto "Plate On Demand" we offer comprehensive solutions for sheet-fed printers.

NELA Plate On Demand
The concept for more effective production flows
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Barcodes are needed for several applications, e.g. plate sorting, for page tracking or automatic measurement of plate quality with NELAPQM+. Therefore, the required information for the respective application has to be included and exposure on the non-printed area of the printing plate. NELA will provide the barcode reader and install it in the appropriate position. read more
Plate transport
Plate transport systems for fully automatic transport of unbent or bent printing plates customized for your plate format. The plates will be transported safely, without any damage, to the desired location. Additionally we are offering turning stations, hinged elements for transits as well as transport elements for wall breakthroughs. The transport system will always be adjusted to your individual demand. read more
Registerstanz- und Abkantsysteme
Register punching and bending systems
We are offering special designed bending systems for sheet-fed printing which perform the claimed bending of the printing machine manufacturer. The treatment of multiple plate formats with same bending angle is possible. On request an additional bending configuration can be integrated. If required, the register punching could be integrated with video control positioning for maximum register precision. read more
Plate quality management
With the NELAPQM+ you are able to measure automatically the quality of your exposed and developed printing plates. A special wedge has to be exposed on the printing plate. NELA will supply you with this wedge. Deviations in quality which would lead to an inferior print result can be detected at an early stage and the relevant printing plates will be sorted out. read more
Production data of current jobs can be controlled and monitored on a large-format screen. Also the completeness of particular jobs can be displayed. The operator recognizes easily in which trolley which printing plates are located and whether the job is complete. read more
Printing plates can be placed in the stacking station according to various customized criteria. Frequently used sorting criteria are e.g. format, printing job or printing machine. With the NELA sorting software recurring sorting samples can be recorded and new samples can be specified. Each stacking station is equipped with one plate trolley for a quick and gentle transport of your printing plates. read more
Working sheets which list the content of a full loaded plate trolley can be printed. The operators can allocate the trolley to a particular job or printing machine with the help of the printed sheets. read more
The NELA indexer is an efficient printing plate storage for pre-sorting and provision of plate groups for the entire print job. Due to the gentle, separate storage there is no damage of the printing plates through scratching. The assembled plate trolleys are moved to the printing machine where the printing plates can be taken off easily. The transport of the printing plates takes place on a horizontal level. read more
All activities of the entire line are centrally supervised through the NELAStatusCenter. Modifications and interferences are shown on the console terminal immediately. A steady and fast control of all production components and the entire line by the operator is guaranteed. Interferences and interruptions of production are shown in a clear text on the console terminal, tablet or smartphone. read more